The Ex Best Thing
The Queenstown Segways have featured on a TVNZ dating show. The Ex Best Thing is the latest dating show to hit NZ TV screens.
Jess and Jason met in our training area for their date, arranged by Jess’ ex, Brad. Moments later they were on the Segways with me for a ride around Queenstown.
A tour with difference
It was a far from usual tour. We spent about 2hrs just in the training area compared to the normal 15mins. There were interviews to do and lots of filming related jobs to sort out which took some time. Apart from the initial training, I basically kept out of shot so the camera crew could get the couple together. If felt a bit unusual for me being at the back of the group while the couple went ahead through the middle of town, followed by the camera crew, followed by the producer, followed by me.
Segways behind the cameras too
The production crew corresponded with me prior to the trip to see how best to get their shots. I told them that getting the crew on Segways would be the way to go. They were hesitant as they’d never done it before but they decided to give it a go. In the end we had a cameraman, sound person and producer all cruising along on Segways. The cameraman commented later on how he’d been able to get so many great shots thanks to the Segways.
The Segways worked so well for the production crew, that they hired 5 Segways off me the very next day to film a bike tour that was planned for Brad and another girl arranged by Jess. It’s fair to say the Queenstown Segways featured prominently on dating show both in front of and behind the cameras.
How did the date go?
The show went to air last night, 2nd June. You can check it out at TVNZ on demand. Jess and Jason certainly loved the Segways so I was glad to see that message get through nice and clear in the final cut. Jess could be heard saying “Oh my gosh, these are cool!”
Check us out!
If you’re coming to Queenstown anytime soon and don’t know what we offer, be sure to check out our Queenstown tour options. It’s a hands-on activity which is loads of fun for all!